Sunday, 26 July 2015

Is there ?

Is there a moment where you feel like you don't have stuff to look after in the future ?
Is there a day when you know you don't have to stress about taking the right decisions ?
Is there a time where your mind feels completely free of the tasks it might need to consummate ?
Is there a chance when you feel like you have achieved all you could ever want ?
Is there a night where you sleep without thinking how much you'd have to achieve to reach your destination ?
Is there a time where the darkness of the night does not want to engulf you during hard phases ?
Is there a point where you don't feel claustrophobic under the things you need to accomplish to survive ?
Is there ? 

Road of life.

Vehicles all running at different paces
On this road.
Some speed by
While some are left behind. 
Some would be dangerously driven to stay ahead
While some halted.
Some face accidents
While some would never reach where they were supposed to.

Isn't life exactly the same ?

You may be too fast to notice others in life
Or too slow to catch up.
You may be the one who disturbs others lives to stay at the top
Or too kind to take a step back and let others stay ahead at times.
You might be the one who faced hindrances and still managed to smoothly carry on the journey
Or the one who never reached. 

Vehicles on the road or life
Irrespective of the pace, fast or slow 
Whatever the purpose
We all finally do reach our destinations.
Except the times where you're destined to never reach where you desire, but some place better...
For good.